Welcome Bitches!

This is a blog of mine created to bring the best of what I can find on the internet together in one spot. Content here can be found in many other places, but that is beside the point. I'm not trying to be the first person to post a cool video or picture, just the guy who spreads it the most.
If you have a sense of humor, and want to see the most amazing things on Earth right from your home, this blog is for you.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

New Foo Fighters ROPE

 it is good yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Friday, April 1, 2011

Have You Seen My Friends?

A rare moment of understanding between man and beast
funny gifs

Skater Bird


captain falcon parakeet

Skull M.A.S.K. Armored Lance

The mother of all badass headgear. I recognize the glasses as ballistic bulletproof shades. combine that with those old bullet grazes on the helmet, and you have a pretty strong argument that his entire head is bulletproof. 
 Fuck Yea

Bully Body Slam

The kids recording the incident were looking to humiliate what they thought would be an easy target. They thought, “We’ve done this for years. Why haven’t we made his humiliation reach a wider audience?” “Imagine how awesome our friends will think we are.” “This will be great! He won’t fight back, we are clearly his betters.”
But the gods were listening.
So they approached him, surrounded him. Thought to contain him. Their first mistake.
So it began in earnest. Taunting came first, it always does. What was it this time? “Ginger”? “Fatty”? Whatever it was, we know it now as “Their Second Mistake.”
The gods were listening.
“Step it up to violence,” they thought. A foolish youth came forward and grabbed him by the collar. More taunting. A strike to the head.
The youth displayed supreme confidence. He could taste his victim’s humiliation. He even toyed with his victim when they had the audacity to raise a hand to ward off blows. His friends, out of sight, jeered and cheered on their youthful champion. Their golden child.
The camera was running, the youth was giving a show. He danced a little, jabbed at his victim. He wanted more than physical dominance, he wanted to break him down psychologically. It was cruel. It was vile. It was hubris.
It was their last mistake.
With a speed born of many torturous years, Casey lunged. Catching the bully off guard, he closed the gap between them and encircled him with his mighty hands, hefting the arrogant youth and holding him aloft in the sky, completely helpless.
With the might and wrath worthy of Zeus did Casey hurl his malefactor back to the earth like a thunderbolt, burying him in a pile of his own shame and arrogance.
The gods heard.
The ground trembled. The youthful arrogance that rang out only moments before became stunned silence. This hallway was Casey’s arena. His opponent lay defeated in the sand. The silence was his great cheering mob.
It was deafening.
As he circled his defeated abuser, Casey displayed a restraint that convinced one and all that this was not beginner’s luck. If his opponent didn’t thank the gods for their mercy, he should. Casey could just have easily laid waste to his face with a mighty boot at any time.
It would have been justified.
Casey faced what remained of his tormentors, hands at his sides. Casey was no longer a victim. With a look that promised them all destruction and a trip to the underworld, they knew the fight was done.
Casey, the only man present, walked away.
(Written by Dustin Saldivar)

Derp Plane


In Soviet Russia avalanche hit by YOU!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


happy blunt day to all, and to all a chill high

Russian Ice

they put this shit in their vodka

Like Tears in the Rain


Are You Man Enough?

One of my favorite webcomics out there.


 Imagine if you were still a child, and adults told you it was the zombie apocalypse, and then you saw a fucking zombie.

Darth Vader vs The Japanese Police

Gang Fight gets real

Those poor innercitystellar kids

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dreams of Dominoes

dream on Hubert, dream on

First Orbital Picture Of Mercury Ever

Just taken on Tuesday by NASA's Messenger Probe, this is the first of about 1,185 orbital pictures to be released. Now we've taken telescopic pictures of mercury for awhile now, but never have we had a eve view shot of the planets surface. That is what the planet would look like if you were immediatly next to Messenger.

Dad Kinecting With Daughter

not the kind of bonding mom had in mind
skip to 1:00 for the action

Can You Shoot A Machete Out A Slingshot?


Timelapse Northern Lights

Took On Tsunami In Sbuba Gear. WINNING

my new hero
Meet 43-year-old Hideaki Akaiwa. When the tsunami struck he knew his wife of 20 years was stuck at home. So this motherfuckin boss straps on the scuba gear and heads right into the torrents to get her. He got to the house just as she was running out of breathing room, and rescued her. AND his mother was in the house and he saved both them shits. Now he works as an awesome scuba hero, diving everyday looking for those who may still be trapped.
yea, bad-ass

Attack The Block

"The premise for Attack The Block is simple: Five kids protect their South London "block" — what we call a project — from an alien invasion. But instead of following a group of adorably scrappy little rascals, we're saddled up with a pack of intimidating hooded bandits. Cornish wastes no time getting to the heart of the stereotype that surrounds this rough London neighborhood."
from io9.com

Kid Loves Candy

He's a literal slave to sweets.

128 Hours of Developement

me need an arrested development movie

Passive Agressive Fridge

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Realistic Robotic Bird

The SmartBird is something i find revolutionary. It was only last year that the first flapping aircraft took a manned flight, and now we have this. In the video from a distance it's VERY hard to tell the difference between the SmartBird and a real bird. Here's some text from the article i found it on.
Its wings not only beat up and down, they also twist at specific angles, providing the ultra-light model with 'excellent aerodynamic qualities and extreme agility'.Controlled by a radio handset, it can also simply glide through the skies if left to its own devices.
Steering is achieved when the SmartBird, which weighs just 450grams, moves its tail and turns its head from side-to-side.
Inspired by the herring seagull, scientists at technology firm Festo control the up/down flapping motion of the wings by spinning two wheels inside the robot's torso.

Disenchanted Forest

Cactus Swinger

Yes. Twice.

Jedi Badminton

Its badminton Star Wars style

The Brothers Mario 2

It's better if you watch it right after the first one(click older post below)

The Brothers Mario

The tale of Mario, GTA4 style

Steel Factory Accident

Nice Moon

Go Check Out Three Word Phrase

Mars Super Canyon

See that canyon? That's Mar's Grand Canyon. Its roughly the width of America.

Robot Hand Can Pick Up Goo

This new robotic "hand" can pick up any type of viscous substance while retaining the substances shape. Imagine the pancakes this thing could make.


GOOGLE 241543903 NOW

"Spiderman" Climbs Worlds Tallest Tower

Found this on CNN today. He free-climbed the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, and its fucking tall, 2,717 feet tall. Took his ass 4 hours to do it. Props
      ^ there he is

Monday, March 28, 2011

A Merl of Blackbirds

or a group of SR71s

The amount of time spent finding the collective noun for blackbirds was ridiculous. You can also say a flock and a cloud.the more you know!

MK 74 Striker

Its hard to tell, but that's a smirk on his face.