Welcome Bitches!

This is a blog of mine created to bring the best of what I can find on the internet together in one spot. Content here can be found in many other places, but that is beside the point. I'm not trying to be the first person to post a cool video or picture, just the guy who spreads it the most.
If you have a sense of humor, and want to see the most amazing things on Earth right from your home, this blog is for you.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

2000 Leagues Under The Earth


So i found this on CNN today. Maybe its just the fact that were close to 2012, but am I the only one who thinks this is eerily familiar to the plot of The Core? Evolution clues my ass, its obvious the planet has a tummy ache.

EDIT: apparently its movie reference day for CNN. Hannibal anyone?

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