Welcome Bitches!

This is a blog of mine created to bring the best of what I can find on the internet together in one spot. Content here can be found in many other places, but that is beside the point. I'm not trying to be the first person to post a cool video or picture, just the guy who spreads it the most.
If you have a sense of humor, and want to see the most amazing things on Earth right from your home, this blog is for you.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Just Checking

Dress Up

Monday, October 15, 2012

Best Iron Man Cosplay

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day Z House Rules

Concentric Smoke Rings

How To Speak Boston

Machine Translates Thoughts into Speech in Real Time

PhysOrg.com -- By implanting an electrode into the brain of a person with locked-in syndrome, scientists have demonstrated how to wirelessly transmit neural signals to a speech synthesizer. The "thought-to-speech" process takes about 50 milliseconds - the same amount of time for a non-paralyzed, neurologically intact person to speak their thoughts. The study marks the first successful demonstration of a permanently installed, wireless implant for real-time control of an external device.

Read more at: http://phys.org/news180620740.html

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Perfect Team

Spider Kings

2000 Leagues Under The Earth


So i found this on CNN today. Maybe its just the fact that were close to 2012, but am I the only one who thinks this is eerily familiar to the plot of The Core? Evolution clues my ass, its obvious the planet has a tummy ache.

EDIT: apparently its movie reference day for CNN. Hannibal anyone?

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Lightning, at 7,207 fps

Japan's Building A Gundam

full story

"These are serious times. They require serious conversations by serious leaders. And the LDP, who hopes to regain power after the current Democratic Party of Japan implodes, appears like its fishing for the nerd vote by appearing on Nico Nico and talking about building Gundam robots as a viable way to promote industry and protect the nation."

Which One's More Comfortable?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ticket Pay In 137 Origami Pig Dollars

in donut boxes no less
full story


Spacebook Profile Pic

Water Temple Flashback

i have post traumatic 90's disorder

Smiley Sky

Waddya Wanna Do

A River Called Freedom

Moonrise Across the Horizon

T-shirt Formula

A View from Above

The Shredder

Game of American Thrones

Hardcore Crab

Space Shark

Tree Den

Cigarette Burn

Monday, March 5, 2012

Japanese Speech Jammer

here's that speech disruptor that's been floating around the net recently in action.

Saturday, February 11, 2012