Welcome Bitches!

This is a blog of mine created to bring the best of what I can find on the internet together in one spot. Content here can be found in many other places, but that is beside the point. I'm not trying to be the first person to post a cool video or picture, just the guy who spreads it the most.
If you have a sense of humor, and want to see the most amazing things on Earth right from your home, this blog is for you.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Took On Tsunami In Sbuba Gear. WINNING

my new hero
Meet 43-year-old Hideaki Akaiwa. When the tsunami struck he knew his wife of 20 years was stuck at home. So this motherfuckin boss straps on the scuba gear and heads right into the torrents to get her. He got to the house just as she was running out of breathing room, and rescued her. AND his mother was in the house and he saved both them shits. Now he works as an awesome scuba hero, diving everyday looking for those who may still be trapped.
yea, bad-ass

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